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10 Years after the purge, the remnants of humanity are on the run from an alien force known as the League. Play as Adrestia, the last quantum AI, piloting the strongest space fighter created by humanity to destroy massive enemy capital ships to protect the remains of humanity.

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Adrestia Protocol was developed during 3rd Year in DigiPen with a group of 10 members, 7 programmers and 3 Designer where we are tasked to make a 3D game using our own custom engine. Which I was in charge of being the gameplay programmer.


The main mechanics of the game was to feel powerfully by destroying multiples of different objects over and over again while maneuvering and dodging debris.

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Even though having the knowledge of plane movement from my past project I wasn't able to implement the plane movement as we were struggling with making visual scripting from scratch and also getting 3D custom physics to work, which cause the project to move a very slow pace.

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I was in charge of getting the smooth plane control for the player and also the different stages of the capital ship with different environment mechanics to increase in difficulty of the boss battle. Like for example the force field where the capital ship will launch once it's shield generator is down to keep the player further away from it.

Overall this project was one the better experience I've had counting from all the past project I've been through as each member in the team are very clear on their own task and responsibility.

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